Smart Islands Energy System: Online Workshop & Matchmaking Event
This event, jointly organised by the H2020 Smart Islands Energy System (SMILE) project partners and the Enterprise Europe Network, brings together business, research and government active and dealing with the creation of sustainable islands. It aims to share experience, knowledge and best practices, and to stimulate new collaboration between the SMILE partners and other interested stakeholders. Next to that, it is also meant to create awareness for different EU islands about the possibilities for a clean energy transition on their island. Participants from multiple European countries will be present. This is a unique opportunity to initiate and establish new international cooperations in the fields of, amongst others, renewable energy production, smart grids, electric mobility and energy storage solutions.
This event offers you:
- information about the energy transition possibilities on European islands presented by Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat and NESOI
- experience, knowledge and best practices from the H2020 SMILE project
- interactive discussions on legal barriers & solutions, modelling renewable energy islands, and matching clean energy businesses to islands
- networking and matchmaking opportunities with international partnering of companies, research institutions and governmental authorities active on smart grids and sustainable islands
- possibilities for sector-specific exchange with international experts
For a full overview of the topics and speakers, please have a look at the agenda.
Matchmaking – How does it work?
- Register & publish your collaboration wishes
- Browse the participant list and book meetings with delegates of your interest
- Shortly before the event you will receive your meeting schedule
For more information about the matchmaking process, please check out the 'Matchmaking - How it works' page.
The SMILE project
The Smart Islands Energy System project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 731249. For more information about the SMILE project, please visit the 'About the SMILE project' page.
There is no registration fee for the workshop or the matchmaking event. You can arrange your meetings in advance by means of this website, once you have registered and completed your profile.
Important notice: The plenary and break-out sessions will be facilitated through Microsoft Teams. The links will be made available through the event and your personal agenda.
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